Did You Know?
As a residential customer, approximately only 16% of your hydro payment goes to Hydro Hawkesbury Inc.
Did You Know?
As a residential customer, approximately only 16% of your hydro payment goes to Hydro Hawkesbury Inc.
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Regulated Price Plan ( residential)

Nov  1, 2023    Regulated Price Plan (RPP) –

Lower-tier Price:
10.3 ¢/kWh
Higher-tier Price:
12.5 ¢/kWh
Current Tier Threshold:
1000 kWh per month

Prices for the Regulated Price Plan (RPP & T.O.U.)

Consumers who purchase electricity from their local utility are charged the following rates for electricity consumption. These rates are set by the Ontario Energy Board as part of the Regulated Price Plan. If you purchase electricity from an electricity retailer, the prices you pay will be different and will be stated in the contract you signed.

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